Primary Years Exhibition – ‘An ode to how we express ourselves’ by Grade V Learners

March 6, 2024

by Shveta Vyas

As Shantiniketan International school we are all extremely excited for one of the biggest event for the academic year – The Primary Years exhibition named ‘Prakatana

Before we get to the details let’s do a quick What, Why and How it works!


What? – It is a wonderful opportunity for learners of grade V to share their understanding on a real life issue or opportunity. It is a culminating event in the Primary year program


Why ? – It emphasizes student agency and ownership of learning


How ? – It is completely based on student-led inquiry.


At Shantiniketan as we gear up for the Big day on March 23, 2024 the campus is abuzz with excitement and enthusiasm.


Our young learners of Grade V  are inquiring into the concept of advertising and leaving no stone unturned to ensure that learning is meaningful and authentic. They can be seen walking across the campus holding their exhibition journals, asking questions related to the theme ‘How We Express Ourselves.


Supported by a team of mentors and co-mentors (Facilitators) our young learners have their thinking caps on like never before. Right from creating the LOGO to setting up their own art gallery, learners are completely immersed in the beautiful experience of student led inquiry.


Our recent visits to the Radio Mirchi 98.3 Red FM and the printing press gave the learners a first hand exposure to advertising and media at different levels.


To take the learning further exclusively for Grade V Learners Guest Speakers were invited for a session at the campus.


Mr. Ram Karthik a business studies professional and Ms. Priyanjana Rao Das a branding and marketing consultant graced our campus and shared their knowledge on the concept of Advertising. Our dance, music and language classes are also completely soaked in a transdisciplinary approach. Using the opportunity to hone their research skills our learners are conducting surveys to collect first hand information.


The Primary Years exhibition celebrates the power of learning!


Join us on March 23, 2024 to see the magic unfold.

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